Monday, February 18, 2008

Top Ten Things NOT to email the professor

1 "Are we doing anything important in class today?" or "Did we do anything important in class last time?"
2 "I need to get an A (or B or whatever) in this course."
3 "If you'd told me we were going to do something important, I would have come to class."
4 "I was (am) too busy to come to class."
5 "My computer blew up." (also known as the dog ate my disk)
6 "This project/quiz/assignment/subject is too hard."
7 "Email me back immediately."
8 "My job/family/children/pet take too much time for me to keep up in your class."
9 "What's on the exam? " or " Will this question be on the exam?"
10 "Can I have more time on this project?"

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