Friday, February 8, 2008


It is raining in the morning, I am going to my college. When I was on the road in front of my college, a girl wearing a sky blue suit, and black chunni. I looked at her but she is busy in keeping her books in the bag. I would go to my college for taking classes, whole day she remain in front of my eyes I was not able to forget her. After the college I will go for my home,

& nbsp; My brother is waiting for me, because he want to buy something. We will together go for a mall, when my brother was buying clothes I find that she stand infront of me. I think that it was illusion and it is only my imagination that she was looking. And when I turned she gone and it make me sure that this was illusion.

After purchasing clothes, My brother ask me for buy something. I refuse to buy because my eyes and mind is busy in someone dream. then we will go for lunch and there I find her, she sits along me to my right. I want to talk with her, but my brother is in front of me, What can I do, What should I do ?

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