Allternatiing Current or AC ellectriiciity iis a back-andforth
movement of ellectrons iin a wiire
1. 1- PHASE
2. 3- PHASE
A.C 1-Phase
The current increase for the first 90° of its rotation and
decrease for the second 90° of rotation. It would then
repeat the exact same pattern for the next half rotation,
with the current flowing in the opposite direction.
House Wiring.
Industrial Applications..
AC system by having three separate power lines with
alternating current which run in parallel, and where the current
phase is shifted one third of the cycle
1.For the operation of motors ,
2.To have a current with constant power.
Direct Current (D.C)
DC (Direct current) is the Unidirectional flow or movement of
electric charge carriers, usually electron.
Applications:- hardware .
2.Most solid-state equipment requires between 1.5 and 13.5 volts.
3.electronic wristwatch .
4. radio communications power amplifier.
5.Equipment using vacuum tubes, such as a high-power radio or television
broadcast transmitter or a CRT (cathode-ray tube) display, require from about 150 volts to
several thousand volts DC.
An Electronic Device, such as Semiconductor diode,used for converting a.c voltage
or current into unidirectional Voltage or current.
1.Halfwave Rectifier
2.Fullwave Rectifier
D.C For Circuits
1.Circuits Require Rectified Voltages.
2.D.C can run through Battery
Definition :-
The Device that converts D.C power to A.C power at desired
output voltage &Frequency
1.Voltage Source Inverter
2.Current Source Inverter.
1.Adjustable speed A.C.Drives
2.Aircraft Power supply.
3.UPS for Computers.
Device use to provide stable D.C Voltage for
powering Electronic Circuits.
1.Series Regulator.
2.Switching Regulator.
Power supplies
A device used to change the voltage levels of electricity to facilitate the
transfer of electricity from generating stations to customers.
1.Step Up
2.Step Down
A step-up transformer increases the voltage while a step-down transformer decreases it.
Uninterruptible Power Supply
1.Online Ups
2.Offline Ups
Online Ups
•Dual conversion design (AC-DC / DC-AC).
• Ensures a far higher degree of isolation of the load
from the irregularities on the mains supply.
Offline Ups
These are the simplest and least expensive.
The batteries are charged all the time, but only in the event of a
power failure will the load be fed by the inverter.